Vindication Swim dives into the extraordinary life of Mercedes Gleitze, who in 1927 became the first British woman to swim the English Channel. The film depicts Mercedes’ upstream struggle in overcoming both the cold waters of the English Channel and the oppressive society of 1920s England. However, after a rival comes forward claiming to have accomplished the same feat, Mercedes is forced into battle to retain her record and her legacy.
Written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Elliott Hasler, Vindication Swim stars British-Irish actress Kirsten Callaghan in her debut role as Mercedes Gleitze, who trained for months in the English Channel before filming began. The film also stars John Locke (Darkest Hour, Poor Things, The Favourite) alongside James Wilby (Maurice, Gosford Park, Howards End) and Douglas Hodge (Joker, The Great, Black Mirror).
Certificate PG
Runtime 98 mins